Student Wellbeing 


Trinity Catholic College endeavours to provide each member of the community with the experience of high quality, interpersonal relationships of care and support. Such relationships have a significant positive affect on each person’s sense of self-worth, belonging and wellbeing. Each member of the community participates to some degree in pastoral care, just as each is a recipient of pastoral care. The Pastoral Care Policy at Trinity provides a framework within which the total care and support of all members of the school community may be achieved. The House System is essential to the successful implementation of the Pastoral Care Policy.


Wellbeing Framework

Our Wellbeing Framework underpins our House System, communications with all community members, assemblies and stage meetings, guest speakers, and the liturgical and spiritual life of the school.

Additional programs targeted to the needs of individual students, such as the Seasons for Growth bereavement program are also rolled out when the need arises.

Pastoral Care & The House System

House System

The House System at Trinity is fundamental to the provision of pastoral care to students. The smooth running of the House System is overseen by the Assistant Principal – Wellbeing.

There are six Houses in the school with each containing eight Care Groups, two from each year. Every House has a Leader of Wellbeing and Engagement (LOWE) who is responsible for the pastoral care of students in their House. The House LOWE is assisted by the Care Group Teachers with each Care Group containing approximately 22 students.

Students typically remain in their originally assigned Care Group for their whole time at Trinity. Teachers will be allocated to Care Groups and Houses by the School Executive. Teachers will remain with their Care Group for two years. Note, however, that in recent years most, if not all, teachers have requested to retain the Care Group with which they started in Year 7. Those teachers then stay with their group all the way through the school.

The College Leaders of Wellbeing and Engagement team are: 








Pastoral Care

Good pastoral care guides and positions students to positively impact both their immediate and wider community. The fundamental freedoms and rights of students are acknowledged and respected, as Trinity is an environment where the welfare of both our staff and students are paramount.

It is our hope that all students will embrace the school’s expectations and develop a positive attitude towards learning and relating to others within the school community. We expect that students will grow and learn the importance of maintaining a positive school environment conducive to learning.